Saturday 1 October 2016

Three brilliant Making of's

Three Making of's

A making of is referred to behind the scene.

It is like sort of documentary film that explain the process of a film such as how they made the voice over, compositing, modelling, stage show and so on.

I am here to introduce three films of 'the making of' which I think is brilliant.

Making of Life of Pie

The film is about a sea maritime adventure, a boy's life on the boat with a tiger, the most expressive thing to me is that special relationship between boy and tiger.

Image of Life of Pi from

They survived on the boat and they need each other to insist of loneliness,  tiger has a lot of meaning to him, it also represents the natural. I was amazed by CGI of tiger, they have intercut from real tiger and digital one, studying the way that real tiger walk away, body stretch and roaring etc.

Image of Life of Pi making of from

Image of CGI tiger from

Image of special effect from

They have to simulation all the details from tiger and it required advanced technology, required computer to get fast enough to match 3D, professional CGI skills, it was a big challenge for them!

Spirited Away

This is a amazing animated film that captured my breath and brought me a into an imagination world. It is absolutely gorgeous, funny movie especially when you see lots of spirits creatures came out from the bathhouse.
Image of Spirited Away from

The most memorise scene is when a dripping messed creature walked into the bathhouse, everyone were escaped away from him but left Chihiro to deal with it.  As Chihiro pulled a bike out, we just found out that its actually a river guard who got so injured by pollution.

Image of river spirit scene from

Hayao Miyazaki said that this scene is actually inspired by real life experience. He cleaned river once, a dirty local river and there was a bike stuck in the river, but after he cleaned it, all the fish came back. He brought the real life experience into movie to inspire the audiences and appeal to protect the environment.

Image of river pollution from

Hayao Miyazaki is my animation idol, he does all the jobs that related to the film, draws, scripts, animates and even design sound lyrics. He is the man who behind the film and his film always featured on humanity's relationship with nature and technology.

Image of Hayao Miyazaki from

Making of Hand painted Cel Animation 

This video introduced the process of cel animation. Although it only last for 1 second but took ages to complete. I learned how to make cel animation from start to finish. First, you need to plan on the bar sheet and then transfer all data we recorded onto the exposure sheet. it not only shows timing and frames, but also column of dialog cells. 

Image of cel animation from

I am really interesting in bar sheet and exposure sheet as it organised your timing and plan your story process. I have started use bar sheet in the lecture lesson and I hope it will helps me to do a better planning.  

Image of exposure sheet from


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