Friday 14 October 2016

Rapid Prototyping (Egg activity)

Rapid prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of a physical part or assembly using three-dimensional computer aided design (CAD) data. Construction of the part or assembly is usually done using 3D printing or "additive layer manufacturing" technology. 

The tasks on Week 3 for Intro to Creative Play include:
 Build a paper tower as tall as we can in order to hold the egg.
Make a thing to help egg to reduce down the drop speed

I really enjoyed this lecture because we divided different methods to achieve the goal and also got the inspiration from others works. This experiment encouraged us to develop an understanding of playfulness and creative risk-taking in the context of design and animation. I felt we were challenging our limitation to complete the task such as build the paper tower without glue or type, it was really hard for us at first as we were unable to hold the paper together and they were too weak for standing on the table or supporting the weight of an egg. The task was ridiculous but we nailed it by challenge our imagination and work as part of a team.

The key things I have learned from this lesson is that work with other students would make the product stronger and quicker. I joined a group of four and started discussing initial ideas. We only came up with one idea which was folded three triangle - columns to stand on the table and use few paper layers to hold the egg. (see the photo of initial product below). However, it did not work out because of the collision between columns. 

I think the failure of this product was because of the lacking of idea divergent and planning. We did not ask other member's suggestion and didn't plan at all. This has resulted in the triangle columns wobbled all the time that they unable to stand on the table as the columns were too thin and too long, they would crash each other  or fall on the side if we left hand away. 

After the failure of the initial product, we soon moved on the Plan B which Khaled has made a stronger cylinder that capable of being the foundation of the tower. In addition, we reused triangle columns from an initial product into this plan B, attempted to consolidate the tower and this has saved a lot of time for us; we did not have to remake more, turned a stumbling block into a stepping stone.

This time, the paper tower has successfully completed as well as won the champion in the competition. I felt proud of creating the paper tower with my team as we put effort into it, some people folded the papers, some people supported the tower, some people cut the papers... everyone contributed positively and tried their best to achieve the goal. We helped each other, shared ideas and gave suggestions. Two heads are better than one, with other's support, we not only get more ideas but also developed ourselves, learned how to communicate with each other and made a problem-solving approach to tasks.

The photos below are other groups' works. They also came up with lots of brilliant ideas and had built up a taller tower. Unfortunately, it was not strong enough to sustain the egg which resulted in fall down on the table and broken (see the photos below)

This paper tower (see the photo below) was spectacular as it was the highest tower in the class. It sustained the egg firmly and steady. I really respected the method that owner used, as he rolled up piles of papers into cylinders, then inserted the smaller cylinders into a bigger one in order to build up the hight. This was a cleaver idea that piles of papers are always steady than a single sheet. they stood firmly unlike single sheet often fall apart easily.  We did not think about that because we were restricted by our logical mind. Perhaps we did not want waste too many papers as well, but sometimes, we have to think outside the box, use a creative way to approach the task.

This group has done a similar thing as above. Although it successfully holds the egg but it's lost on the height.

(see the image below) I like how they hold the paper together to secure the paper tower. They made severals rings and folded them together without any glue. This is very interesting as some student were talented in the paper craft and they know how to secure the paper by simply folded the edge into the fissures. 

The things I have learned from these two groups are they used a lot of vertical gate folds to secure the towers. As we know, the gatefolds can maximum stabled on the table which provided an unbreakable foundation.  

On task 2, we designed two things to help reduced the speed of dropping the egg, but we failed both. We came up with few ideas and made the planning for it (see the photos below) 
  • parachute and basket to protect the egg
  • cone shaped 
  • a cage to hold the egg inside  
  • a wired egg based on spider man

Finally, we decided to create the corn shaped paper and spider man egg, unfortunately, they both dead at the end. I think the failure reason of corn shaped egg was because of the dropping speed was too quick. The corn shape can only reduce the impact of the hitting on the floor, but useless to Newton Gravity. We should have considered of how to reduce the dropping speed such as create a parachute so it can slow down and cause minimum damages. 

Same as spider man egg, although we got wires to slow down the dropping speed, it still broke because of we cute the wire too early which spider man egg dropped down really quickly from certain height.  

spider man egg with broken legs. 

My team with broken eggs.

other group's work. 

The spider man egg looks so funny as the sexy legs' splitting widely. 

The photo of me was drawing the spiderman legs. 

Overall, I really enjoyed the lesson as it developed our creativity and made us think things divergently. The activities have gained our teamwork skills as we learned how to contribute positively. operate effectively and supporting other members. It establishes the philosophies and strategies to be employed in good teamwork practice and encouraged us an appreciation of the value and benefits of taking creative risks.

Through the experience of failure egg activity, I think I will focus on  the field of idea generation and planning. I will spend more time on the pre-production because it allows us to use resources efficiently and prepare for the unexpected. Furthermore, it also helps us know what we should be trying to accomplish as well as helps me determine the right goals to seek. 

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