Monday 15 May 2017

Posters Overview

These are the daily project that I drew one poster everyday. I started from December 2016 and end in May 2017. Within 6 months, my drawing technique does not have a big improvement or any obvious differences. 

Friday 12 May 2017

Final magazine completion


This is my final magazine style essay. I have double checked the grammar via Grammarly and corrected all the mistakes in the past. 

If I have more time, I would focus on the layout because it looks too simple. I would like to make it more interesting by adding a background colour or other layout. 

2nd draft editing

I added some sentences that relates to the animation to conclude the essay. 

Moving into modern media, overly exaggerated body language found a storytelling home in animation. Early cartoons such as Steam Boat Willy, the characters’ body language and the program’s music were the only storytelling element. 

Thursday 11 May 2017

Feedback from Johnny

Johnny has gave me some feedback on the layout and the essay content. 
  • avoid of pixilate images and put figure 1.2.3 to indicate the illustrations.
  • relate the body language to animation, how does animator use body language and how is it effect to the character
  •  put the page number so viewer can easily read it
  • use italic font on the name of the book or article title when referencing the resource.  

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Final Making of Video and Self-Evaluation


I made a storyboard to pre-visualizing the making of video. It also helps me and my team member know which footage to use. 

Final Making of Video 

Improvement and self-evaluation 

Here is our final making of video. I spent a lot of time on this making of video and I felt satisfy with quality and background music. 
However, if I have more time to do it, I would like to do few more experiments and make the pixilation video content more interesting. As you see the final project we filmed here was too short and lack of attractive. I would like to film the actor lay on the ground and use some props to manipulate the scene.  

The group making of has enhanced my storytelling skills and documentary techniques as my main job was documenting the behind scenes. It also enhanced my problem solving skills as lack of facilities, we had to compromise to the circumstances, which film in the stop motion room in order to make a good production with better quality. 

After experiencing the group making of , I realized there are so many skills I should learn such as acting. When I acted in the scene, my movement was stiff and unnatural.  I am less capable in the acting whereas Daniel did a good job. In the future, I will read more books that relates to acting and try my best to enhance my performance skills. 

Monday 8 May 2017

Final pixilation video

To finish off the pixilation video, I have to choose the appropriate song as the background music. I was think to pick something peaceful and relaxing genres as they are my usual style, I used these kinds of genre in the past making of. However, it does not fit in group making of, because the majority of our videos are rapids and fast motion, it would be much better with rap or Hip-pop music. 

Final Pixilation Video


Friday 5 May 2017

Editing Final Pixilation video

Finally we come to the stage of post-production. Today, Our task is to edit the video together and Daniel was going to record the voice over.

As we render the video, we noticed that there are 11 photos missing without reasons. This has caused a serious issue to us as the video can not complete. 

However, we still going to use them by cut out the missing part and put into separate video footage.