Saturday 26 November 2016

Week 9 Idea generation of City Project

In week 9's Intro to Creative Play, we started to produce the mind map for City Project, we generated various of start points, idealisation and factual information  and think of the divergent possibility to produce the city physically. 

Mind Map

 This is the mind map we had created today. We thought about requirements in the brief such as old & new, techniques and meaning of the city. We produced several ideas like animal society e.g. hives, the structure of ant house. The insect colony are powerful and unity. It has the most ecological successful structure on the planet. 

We decided to set the theme Evolution to our city project. The product will feature on the evolution of the city, from ancient to modern days. There will be three stages set on the circular platform that includes: ancient ocean, stone ages and the building in the modern days.  We are going to create these in order to meet the brief requirements, history, old meet new and physically... 

Image result for chaos theoryWhen we talked about applying the pattern or referenced to hives, we also linked to several theories, for example,  Chaos theory - Branch of mathematics that deals with systems that appear to be orderly. 

Image result for mandelbrotMandelbrot set, a particular set of complex numbers which has a highly convoluted fractal boundary when plotted. 

Synesthesia, the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by simulation of another sense or part of the body. 

We attempted to incorporate those theories into the brief, start thinks shapes of the city, how it sounds like and how it feels like etc. 

Here is the mind map of visual ideas that present what we will be produced on the circular platform. Basically, there are three stages which are modern day, stone age and ancient natural. These three stages expressed how did we evolve from small-brained ape into the human being and how did our society has developed. We are going to create towers or landmarks for the modern day and it would be better if we use foil rolls to construct the  metal materials and implication of technology evolution.  
for the stage two. we intend to create few caves with patterns on to show the communication in the stone age. 

Here are some clay caves that we've made in the experiments. Harry carved some African pattern on his cave because the first human being came from African and he intends to merge some African art culture into the human evolution. 

We used phone lighting to simulate the projection mapping. One of our plans was to utilise the projector to create the atmosphere of the stone age. 

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