Thursday 2 February 2017

Story telling and Script


In first week's storytelling session, we used two techniques: 

  • Exquisite Corpse
Exquisite Corpse also know as exquisite cadaver (from the original French term cadavre exquis) or rotating corpse, is a method by which a collection of works or images is collectively assembled. Each collaborator adds to a composition in sequence. 
  • Geometry Reflection 
Using geometry to create the character by overlap the shapes or adding facial expression 


I liked the Exquisite Corpse technique because each participant would take turns adding onto each other's drawing and collages resulted in fantastic composite figures. The drawings below are some particularly interesting exquisite figure that combines a humorous and absurd array of features such a girly head combined with bug's abdomen and a pair of claws. I personally think it was a perfect parlor game, involving elements of unpredictability, chance, unseen elements and group collaboration.


The good things about this session is that we been taught to create a character with different methods and it's entertainment too. However, I didn't like the second technique, which is geometry reflection. The reason I didn't like it was that it kind limited my mind. For example, when I looked at a triangle, my brain would automatically links to house, trees, hat ... anything that based on triangle shape. This is bad as it limited the imagination and I could nerve jump out from this logical zoom to the creatively and unpredictability zoom. 


Because of my logical mind, I could not expand more on the shapes, I knew that rather than think about character, it was more about react to the geometries. To make a better situation, I could have looked at other's work and get some idea inspiration from them, it might help me with character invention.


In addition to refer to other's work, I could also draw more shapes. 

Action Plan

If I lack idea again, I would refer to other classmate's work and create my own character. 

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